
How buff on the website ?

1 message dans ce sujet


There's the tutorial to explain how to buff on the website.

First of all, you can buff yourself while your are DISCONNECTED and/or CONNECTED.

Go to "My Account", then "Section Auto-Buff". Select your player, after you have a few choices :

Characters Buffs :

- if you have the Free Buff, do Reload on the Free Buff.

- If you have the Pack Buffs, do Reload on Tous les buffs. Don't take the Free Buff, it's doesn't useful anymore. The Free Buff and the Pack Buffs (pack buffs, buffs cac, mago... or at unity) aren't cumulated anymore.

- If you have the Free Buff and some of the payable Buffs, do Reload on the Free Buff THEN Reload the payable Buffs.


Pets Buffs :

It's a requirment that your pet is summoned in game.

Then, click on Familier Reload on the website. And Tadaaam! Your pet is Buff !


The Buffs can take a few minutes (even a minute) to be visible in game. It's not useful to click many time on the buttons, it won't help.


When you see that you can't buff yourself anymore while you are connected in game, you have to use the old process, which is to disconnect your character, go to the website, in the same parts who are explained before, then buff yourself. Reconnect your character and the buffs will be on your character. However, if this happen, the Buffs Pets wouldn't be available.


PS : This subject is always in modifications, thank you for your understanding.



The Shiva-Staff

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