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82 Excellent

À propos de Cynik

  • Rang
    Pro Shiva
  1. Et le futur ? /// What about the future ?

    Personnellement les Fêtes ne devraient pas trop interférer avec ma présence ici . La traduction arrive !
  2. Modifications Sanctions/Plaintes

    Haannn la première plainte dont je suis l'incriminé de toute ma vie ! Je ne sais pas si je dois être fier ou avoir honte...
  3. Retour d'une Ancienne ! /// Soon

    Bon retour parmis nous Spek ! @Hypnos - Très belle traduction !
  4. Sanction du 19 Octobre 2016

    najeh02s1 - Fléau + mute - 16h - KS de spot - 4eme sanction Bigoum - Fléau + mute 2h - PK cubric - 1ère sanction Anonyms - Fléau + mute 2h - PK ON cubric - 1ère sanction
  5. Ban du 17 Octobre 2016

    Perso - Rolingstar Raison - Insultes à la famille Temps du ban - 2 semaines
  6. Halloween is approaching... Little Jack was on his way back of an evening in the streets of Horizon. He was gathering candies visiting his neighbors and around the town. On his way, he found several bodies ... dead... probably some models for Halloween he though but still he began to walk faster, night was coming et his mother was awaiting him for dinner. He heard somes crackings behind him, like twigs being crushed... He ran faster ... faster ... really fast ... *LIGHT SPEED* he screamed and disappeared in the dark until the limits of the town, guarded by soldiers. He arrived home , the door was open and it was warm inside... An atmosphere of peace invaded him as soon as he stepped into the house. He smelled something that he loved ... Laila's wyvern pie ! But strangely, nobody was there... He was surprised to be alone, as his mother told him that she would be back before his return and that he wouldn't last too long in this night of the deads... In fact, October 31st is not necessarily a good date for the O'Lanterns ... He took a piece of pie and locked himself into his room with Hecktor's Biography, booked that has been passed by a powerful Gaian Warrior by completing a quest in a lost world *Vault of Lies*. He was wondering when he will be able to step out of Horizon during the night... Battleling against high level monsters and doing some Dungeons Parties with other youngsters like him... A loud noise took him out of his reading... Glass breaking maybe ? He took one of his father's big axe laying on the wall , souvenir of his past quests. Jack silently went down the stairs raising his axe above his shoulders, ready to strike. He peaked into the room to see if someone was there... The window was shattered... a loud noise sounded behind him ! He turned around and saw him ... it was him... Shivarians , Now it's your turn ! I propose you to finish the story and tell us what Jack lived after this, the best story will be rewarded. You have until October 31st at midnight to bring shivers on our arms with your scariest stories ! (You can add a screenshot of your character in game in a scary site). Good luck ! [Anim-Test]Giva Translated by [Head-GM]Cynik
  7. Ban du 15 Octobre 2016

    Persos - Kitty , Kitten, Blanc, Quick et le compte Hafez Raison - Multicompte Temps du Ban - Permanent
  8. Sanction du 13 Octobre 2016

    Chiikour - Fléau + mute - 2h - Chain PK - 1ère sanction
  9. Une autre bonne nouvelle !

    Bonjour ! Comme le titre l'indique, voici une autre bonne nouvelle ! En plus du recrutement fructueux , nous avons aussi le plaisir d'annoncer qu'Aguasial sera dorénavant MJ ! Félicitations Aguasial ! Le Staff-Shiva //// Soon
  10. Sanction du 11 Octobre 2016

    NeverGiveUp - Fléau + mute - 2h - PK pendant event - 1ère sanction
  11. Et maintenant?

    Boaf j'en suis pas si certain *observe Laila de loin qui tient le fouet...*
  12. Ban du 30 Septembre 2016

    Perso : TaKamura Raison : Insultes à la famille Temps du Ban : 2 semaines.
  13. Ban du 26 Septembre 2016

    Perso : VoinicDeTot Raison : Insulte Temps du Ban : 1 semaine
  14. Sanction du 20 Septembre 2016

    JohnCast3l - Fléau + mute - 28h - Chain PK - 1ere, 2e et 3e sanctions toutes les 3 doublées.
  15. Réouverture du recrutement !

    Bonjour à tous ! Laissez tomber les armes et préparez vos candidatures ! Les recrutements pour Animateur ainsi que Maître du Jeu sont ouverts ! Que la chance soit avec vous ! Tout le monde est prêt ? Partez ! [Chef-MJ]Cynik //// Hello everyone ! Drop your weapons and prepare your appliances ! The recruitment for Animator and Game Master are open ! May luck be on your side ! Everyone ready ? Set ... Go ! [Head-GM]Cynik